Salam semua, sekalian adalah orang yg saya hormati
I know it’s kind of late…yealah dah half of the year 2022 kan.
Mimpi ke apa pakcik sorang nie… (just kidding)
For those who really do follow up with me,
I am truly appreciate your patience & understanding
Yes, banyak perkara telah berlaku
Memang niat, masa awal PKP tue nak start tulis blog nie
I've lost ramai sahabat baik, bukan kerana covid-19
Kehilangan sahabat yg paling baik no. 1 - Mior Jumarie Ismail
Banjir besar (first time) kat rumah
Dan lain2 lagi.
Selepas perginya sahabat paling baik No. 1; Mior Jumarie Ismail
Segala2nya berubah…
dan saya harus meneruskan langkah kehidupan seorang diri.
As usually, I have to create a new life system without him
Bukan apa, dalam pandemic, baru saya sedar
I’m one of ADHD, but it’s called - High Integrated ADHD
That’s why, org tak perasan dari kecil.
Rasanya, hanya arwah mak saya je perasan
And that’s answered why she totally change her approach towards me
masa alam sekolah menengah
Nanti saya ceritakan pasal ADHD pada posting seterusnya
Bila fikir balik - lepas arwah mak meninggal dunia
Bain or Saiful Bahrin
Engku or Engku Khairy Azwi
Then Mior or Mior Jumarie Ismail
They alert my different and kelebihan and they really did protect me…
Sebut pasal Mior, arwah ni jenis yg sangat baik
Dia sangat caring dgn kawan2 dia - ramai yg still teringatkan kat dia
Arwah banyak memberi kesan kepada kawan2.
Dia sangat jaga - dan kawan yg paling banyak dia beri tumpuan is me…
Masih teringa2 dalam kereta, waktu selekoh ke tempat makan
I nak belanja dia makan lunch time tu
Out of sudden, dia cakap
“You are perfect to me, remember that!
Always remember - you are perfect to me
You tak cacat. And please go fly high
with you special gift - your brain - you can get anything”
Arwah senyum time tu
I pulak dlm hati - gila ke apa orang tua nie
But little that I know, it was a few week before he passed away
I am totally sad, but I will keep his word - to be success
Ingat lagi, one of kawan kitaorg, call me - nangis2
Ckp, dlm semua look down on her, Mior didn’t
He still give her motivation, believe her, see her potential
Yang paling sedih - she told me
“Arwah bg satu buku suruh2 pendek untuk di amalkan harian
And akak bawa buku tue, amalkan - sampai jadi belacan buku tu”
In fact, a day before he passed away,
Dia sempat bagi hadiah (hadiah tu sampai the following week)
Sebab client I sakit tekak
He gave madu yg terbaik - Forever Living Product
Anyway, posting nie is about to announce
I will keep on update this block.
Sort of re-branding this block
As saya perlu meneruskan kehidupan seorang diri, there’s a lot things to share.
And I do hope pembaca, kawan2 terus memberikan sokongan kepada saya
Thank you for your time, I do really appreciate it
With lots of care & love