Gambar masa tunggu makanan sampai...ahakss....
Actually dah 2 kali dah jumpa doc...flu and demam tue kebah sikit...but batuk nie still ajer cam tue...biler buat kerja berat sikit, mulalah batuk tak hingat...huhuhu....but thanks to my facebook uoalss...worked a bit...
Owh, ari tue kitaorang supper kat kat Old Time White Coffee, Taman Melati...ala kat Gombak tue...ikut my best buddy...dia nak jumpa kawan dia to discuss a great topic...Investment...'s time for sahur...
Memanglah I dah makan tadi masa berbuka...tapi I nak makan jugak...jangan terkejut...I nie memang suka makan...ahakss...well, banyak menu nampak cam sedap...sementara tungguk kawan buddy I sampai, baik I makan least, tak derlah...jam 4am craving for the nite b4...McD I bedal...ahaksss
So, this is the menu...nampak best sangat...ahaksss

This is my supper...I'm going to eat Mee of my favourite dish...

This is my favourite drink at hera...OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE SIGNATURE FREEZE, air2 yang lain jangan cakap ar...those who know me tau yang nie memang kuat minum air...ahaksss....
My friends' buddy sampai masa order I I makan sambil dengar diaorang discuss about Investment...kewl...really kewl...topic yang sangat menariks...buat duit dengan cara investment...
Tetiba teringat dgn percakapan kawan I tentang Investment...he is a National Coach in Squah...
Coach: "Dari I buat investment, baik I kerja...coz kalau kerja, bulan2 masuk duit"
Ralph: "Aiyohhh coach...tengoklah, investment you cam ner...kalau kita invest dalam Saham, dun't expect to get the profit every single month apatah lagi day...ituepun setelah kita buat sell...Investment dalam Gold pun sama jugak...kena ada timing la..."
Well, actually we need to understand about the different between Investment and Salary...we also need to understand about why and what we invest in?, betul tak...and we need to start it as early as possible...and thanks GOD, today, we have a variety type of Investment...

Best tak...hehehe...actually, jangan terkejut dengan pilihan makanan I, I memang tak berdiet sangat or perpantang dalam makanan sampai my friends terkejut...Well for me, life is too short to abandon all of the GOOD FOOD...yang penting kita keep on doing exercise ya...ahaksss....
Kitaorang discuss malam tue sampai manager tue tegur kitaorang...masa tue ada 2 meja ajer yang ada pelanggan....
Manager:" I'm sorry, our restaurant is about to close..."
Kitaorang:"tak nak...nak duduk sini sampai pagi...ahaksss...gurau ajer..."

ahakss...sampai kedai tue siap dah habis kemas kedai and tutup kedai lagi for ari tue....

Pasal parking kat sini...kitaorang sambung discuss kat sini sini. Memang satu perbincangan yang best...cuba teka kat mana nie....

ya betul...tepat sekali...sepuluh markah untuk uoals...ahaksss

Nielah kitaorang...3 orang ajer malam tue...but they really have a great knowledge in investment...lucky for me to have the opportunity to listen about this great topics...

Ya Rabbi...sambil tue sempat lagi snap gambar possing...ahakss...I never have this kind of possing, tapi I dun't know know day ramai yang suka sangat buat pose cam nie...gambar dari atas...ala setakat cuba ajer...tak salah do I look...ok ker...ahaks...
Pastu kita sambung lagi borak kat luar kedai sampai ke tempat kitaorang parking kereta...Owh...that night we were discussing about Unit Trust Investment, Gold Investment and Property Investment...kewl kan...

masa untuk balik...ahakss
sampai disini sahaja...selamat meneruskan puasa yang ker 20 ouals....dah nak masuk 3rd 10 kita berpuasa...Alhamdulillah
Ralph Abdullah
long time no see
Biofitness: ahakss...that's my friends' punyer kereta lah...ahakss...erm...u will c my journal in here...
zulmantap: actually we all need bear in our mind...the effect of inflation to our now day and future...that's why...earning from work is different...investment is different too...but if u want to know about it more...let me know ya...text me in fb...
First time I baca your blog terus I suka coz you layout and wording so interactive , easy to understand and very cool...and you are very good writer...
Abg ralph.. Knal reza benjamin? Kim slm syg sy kt dia ye.. Ckp ex time study kt uk kim slm..
Dean, Muzaiddin: kewl...thank u dear...keep it I upadate all of my journey in life...
Biofitness: owh...mustilah I kenal dia...Insya-Allah, I will kirim salam dgn the way, nanti I nak cakap siapa kirim salam kat dia...wht's ur name dear...
Ajwad Muzzammil. Both of us were interns at fitness first london time study dulu.. Lama xjupe dia.. Miss him. Thanks abg ralph.. Im ur blog's fan.
Biofitness: owh...kewl...jgn risau...u kat mana actually sekarang the way, how do u know it's TAS CRV
zulmantap: ahakss...ok jer...kita kan dekat ajer
Biofitness: jap...wht's ur id in FB
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