Sunday, October 7, 2012


Pernah tak uoals rasa stress
Musti pernah kan…
I believe every single man in this world experienced it…
Frankly speakinglah…
I pun pernah gak…
Especially when I'm really want to buy new underwear tp kat rumah dah belambak…
I love the design…
Dun’t ask why? Coz I dun’t know why? Ahakss…

Okies, back to the topic
Sometimes kita rasa stress
But, how about, if, every single day we feel stress…
Erm…it sounds not gud rite!

Well, my simple advice is…
Get your ass move…
I mean get yourself move…

 just wear something always come fist!

Do some exercise…
Not necessary to perform an athletic type of training…
But even, a simple form of exercise can help it out!
Breeze walk for about ½ hours perday ker…
Or naik tangga ke office ker…

Actually, bila kita buat exercise…
Our body pumps up our endorphins.
Natang apa tue???
It’s the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters...
Any Physical Activity will help to bump up it…

Pernah tak uoals dengar ungkapan nie…
“Exercise produce endorphins, endorphins make people happy, and happy people dun’t kill people..”
Satu ayat dalam movie Legally Blonde,
But it was so damn true…

Plus, a simple physical workout will lead us to better shape…
Trust me…
Better have it small rather than none…

holla...I love to jump in air - straddle jump

So, get yourself move…
Do whatever you love most i.e. physical move…
Get your friends for racquet games, swimming, jogging…
Sign in for a weekly aerobic class…
Clean the house, do gardening, etc…

Start it now, before it’s too late…
Why wait until tomorrow…

Best regards
Ralph Abdullah