Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Any Idea???

Ingatkan nak upload dalam youtube, so senanglah readers nak view any of my video, either workout, dancing, aerobic and event....
So, I try lah, this Diwali 2011 video clips....
but hampeh...
Just Imagine I was trying to upload it since yesterday at 4.00pm
The rite words it waiting to be post in the youtube...

At 5.00am it's oledi 100% upload, but yet still have to wait...
then now at 10.30am...still have to wait ka...pengsan...
tension sangat...i just off ajer youtube...really spoil my mood....well done
thinking of the electrical bil that I have to pay next....

What do you feel...when this things happen...
Any suggestion...

Ralph Abdullah


Che Kay said...

Mungkin size video perlu dikecilkan kot~ Selalunya bila saya kecikkan size video, upload di youtube ambil masa lebih kurang 30-1 jam. tu pon pakai broadband biasa la.

ralphabdullah said...

Che Kay: thank u dear...erm, biler I tengok saiz video tue 107MB...besar ner ek...plz advice...