Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kidz Dance...

Pergh...memang penat giler, actually, my body just recover from doing performance for the TV3 Anugerah Skrin 2011 Launch...

Pagi Sabtu, memang giliran I mengajar Kidz Dance at Bangi Fitness (of course lah kat Bangi...hehehe). Actually, I and Adasandha Anuar, gilir2 mengajar Kidz Dance ni, she is really a talented Aerobic she have a Degree in Sports Science too...kewl...

Bangun pagi dah rasa macam nak demam...mungkin cuaca kot...sejuk sangat semalam...
Apalagi, terus ajer masak air dah buat sendiri Teh O dengan 2 bijik panadol soluble (ada jugak orang sebut panadol rendam...pitam jap)...makan breakfast dengan biskut berperisa kopi...ahaksss...

Then, straight away to the class...memang ari nie ramai rasa nak demam...itue pun parents yang bagi tau...
Aiyoh, AeroKickBoxing...
Tak pernah Instruct before this...but pernah gaklah ikut kelas nyer several time...
As usual, I love to do it in Contemporary, but this one, I mix it with Teakwondo and Muay Thai (betul ker ejaan nyer)...terkejut gak akak Aliez (owner Bangi Fitness)...coz dia tau my specialty in Gymnastics Dance...

But becoz the class was conduct by's always in the gymnastics flavour...when I mention about now it's time for gymnastics dance...the kids was so excited...hehehe...kewl...

Well, dalam gymnastics...the coaches are really garang...event me myself...sometimes I do, sometimes I done...but for these kids...I banyak senyum...

I always love kids...
Ralph Abdullah

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