Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pelik bin Ajaib, It's BIG NO NO in the gym for BEGINNERS

Actually, dah lama dah nak tulis pasal hal ini...
Banyak sangat kesilapan yang I lihat dengan mata I sendiri...sometimes it's really annoying...
Yealah...dah nama pun ex-gymnast, mana suka tengok wrong execution all the times...erm...

Okies...nak bagi tau...FOR BEGINNERS or FIRST TIMER in the gym

1) DOING WORKOUT IN THE GYM is not mean to be only carries the weight stuff i.e. the dumb bell, the bars and etc...IT CAN BE MORE THAN THAT...that's why they have Treadmill, cycling, rowing and so on...
2) Yes, WEIGHT TRAINING is a form of exercise that we require us to carries weight, but DOES IT MEANS HAVE TO BE REALLY HEAVY...and lead you to THE WRONG EXECUTION of the workout...THAT'S REALLY will LEAD you to INJURIES...

The first one...
i) Sometimes I can see from their eyes and their body gesture, memperlekehkan orang yang buat cardio on the treadmill or cycling...
ii) Ada tue siap pelekeh biler nampak orang lain buat something different from the normal weight training workout...i.e. actually they are doing plyometrics or resistance training...each single individual have a different goal...bare it in your mind...

The second one...
i) Most of the Beginners, I nampak diaorang cuba sedaya upaya angkat bebanan yang tak padan which lead to the wrong execution...

Biler tegur suruh kurang kan, dioaran EGO, yg lain pasal takut kena ketawakan kawan2....HEY, IT'S YOUR BODY YOU HAVE TO BE CONCERN WITH...IF U GET YOURSELF INJURED, DOES YOUR FRIENDS WILL PAY ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL BILL???

Ada kes...siap mengadu kat I...erm, kalau dah sakit badan sampai beberapa minggu tue...that's means there's something wrong with your workout execution lah...kalau sakit for about 3 days it's normal for first timer...

Macam tadi...erm...elok lah diaorang tanya...

Si Pulan: Brader...betul ker buat cam nie...[Dumbbell Lateral Raise-with totally wrong execution]
RA :erm...actually try to perform like this...[Show the right execution]
Si Pulan: owh...[terus proceed with same weight i.e. each dumbbell is 5kg-but yet still in the wrong execution coz he's trying so damn hard to carried the weight]
RA: I think it's better for you to decrease the's heavy for you...
Si Pulan: ----silence but give an attitude look (very annoying)...
Si Pulan: er...baru ajer nie...
RA: Dah, jangan nak berangan...kalau you want to injured yourself, go ahead...

Nasib baik pastu...abang bodybuilder datang baru start training...terus ajer I introduce dia kat diaorang...(Hambik kau...nak tanya...but sombong...spoil my mood ajer..I love sharing, but those who tak dengar nasihat...paham2 ajer lah ya...)

Kekadang memang tak faham kerenah budak2 muda yang baru nak start training...sometimes really annoying...

After finish the gym...I duduk lepak minum dengan abang bodybuilder tue...he start the conversation...

Abang Gym: budak2 tue ego lah...dah ajar...but degil...
RA: erm...

Well, some of us really lucky to have a FREE tips on doing the execution...but tak menghargainya...

Ralph Abdullah

1 comment:

ralphabdullah said...

zulmantap: no worries...sharing is caring...