Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Deepavali

Well, malam tadi memang penat sangat...nak tidur jer rasanya
But ok gak, as for about several days can't sleep at night...
Must be my body been too tired after doing heavy training with sauna (7 minutes jer, haiyooo)...

Looking at my table's already 11.45pm...
Owh, I'm definitely heading to the dreamland soon...

sambung menyambung lagi tue...
Si Mimie terus ajer larik menyorok dalam almari...hehehe...(comel pulak tengok gelagat dia)

Well, It's DEEPAVALI...memang meriah...

 Hehehe, baru ajer tadi sambung menyambung mercunnyer...biler start ambil foto nie jer dapat....pengsan...

Tak ambil jauh pun, kat tingkap rumah ajer...hehehe...nanti malam kalu ok, I upload the video pulak...

Kat sini dah macam pertandingan dah..baik, Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas or New Year, semua berlawan....hehehehe...tak yah gie jauh nak tengok...boleh nampak dari rumah hingga ke KL...

Well, wishing to all Hindu friends...have a great celebration on's the festival of light...dun't forget to have fun!...Happy Diwali....

Mode on holidays....
Ralph Abdullah...

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